About me
Hello my name is phoebe I am 9 years old my family have been helping me with the virus stuff and everything reuben is my anoing yonger brother toby is my amazing father who helped me with this website sophie is my wonderful mother who surported me the most.Special coment to my best friend millie who is diabetic and had to self-isolate.
my friends and me played like every day was our birthday we had so much fun abigail and aime.at school I left on thursday because my parents had a cough and we diden't want to worry anyone sorry I left so unexpectedly abigail and aime.

don't worry
okay so about the virus it might be a sensitive subject but this is how to stay happy you need to stop litstening to the news[sorry news] it is over reacting there is only about 0.0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001% of you geting the virus so don't worry just keep safe keep happy.

How to make hand gel.
you can make hand gel eaisily you just get aloe vera gel and rubbing alchol [or mouth wash but it has to be at least 70% alchol] then mix it together in a glass bowl and if you have a spare hand gel bottle pour the gel into the bottle and ou have your very own home made hand gel.
my life
Since I was little I have loved arts and crafts and being around my friends so the virus has stoped us hanging out I have got through it with writing this for my friends and family.just stay calm you don't have to write a website but you can text them skye them but don't go to them you could either pick up germs or give your friend some any elderly reading this stay safe and happy.